Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lily Jane Salmond

Yesterday we were blessed with the safe arrival of a sweet baby girl. It was an amazing experience to see this beautiful, perfect little girl enter this world and to feel her sweet spirit. Jen was amazingly strong during the labor and delivery. The doctors and nurses were wonderful too. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. Jen went into active labor at 7:15 and one hour later Lily was here, safe and sound. Jen's parents were nice enough to keep us company the entire day and made it all the way through the delivery. It was really nice to see family members and thank them for their kindness and thoughtfulness as we have awaited her arrival. The Lord has blessed us so much during this pregnancy and delivery and we thank Him for the opportunity to care for one of his sweet spirit daughters.

Here are a few photos we took during the day yesterday. Hope you like them!


Ryan and Brooke Ross said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you both! She is darling!

Rachel said...

She is so cute! Congratulations! Glade to hear that everything went well.

Anonymous said...


Dan and Kira said...

she is pretty cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan and Kira said...

she is pretty cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan and Kira said...

she is pretty cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!